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Photography Classes Get You On Your Road To Success!

There are many people who wait and wait before taking the plunge into professional photography. What I mean is, they have some skills, but they think they need to take all the photography classes and know everything there is about photography before they feel justified for charging for their services. Of course there are others that take that step far too early.

But, the truth is, if you have even an inexpensive digital SLR camera, such as a Canon Rebel T3i with a decent Canon Rebel lens, and you enjoy taking pictures, you may be able to generate some extra cash with your photos. Digital photography is at the top of the list of fastest growing hobbies. If you just have a little bit of creativity, you can turn your digital photography into a cash generating opportunity. There are a great many ways you can put that camera to work to generate an income.

All you have to do is combine a bit of creativeness and showmanship with some salesmanship, and you can start making money with your pictures.

Assuming that you are already a photography enthusiast, you may have the camera and accessories at hand to start. It goes without saying that a camera is needed, but the best one would be a digital SLR camera such as a Canon 60D or even a more professional DSLR. You will also need a tripod and a good printer or photo printing service.

In addition to the camera and accessories, you will need photo editing software. Adobe Photoshop is the top of the line in photo editing software, but Corel also has a good software product titled Paint Shop Pro.

As far as salesmanship is concerned, spending a few hundred dollars in marketing materials will get you moving in the right direction.

It’s valuable to acknowledge one thing before moving on. Don’t be discouraged by those who say that doing photography as a business is too hard because just about everybody has a digital camera these days. While this is definitely true, you will be astonished at how many people don’t know how to use that camera to get acceptable pictures. They are prepared to hire you to take those pictures for them!

Have a glimpse at the images lots of people take. To be honest here; their photos stink (excuse my French, but it is true). Most people take photos that suffer from quite a few issues like motion blur, sorry color, and poorly posed subjects among other things. They don’t understand the first point about good composition. They do not know the effects of lights and flash, so there are (blank) unpleasant shadows around the subject in the image. Their photos are normally so terrible they cannot even be repaired with Adobe photoshop.

Printing is another difficulty for many folks. Because the pictures are improperly done to start with, the prints are also bad. The person who took the images didn’t have a clue with regards to the best way to utilize the camera settings to get the correct resolution for publishing.

Nevertheless, you know what? This is what gives an exceptional opportunity to step up and provide your services. Because you have the skills necessary to take very good pictures, all you might have to do is supply a couple of samples to demonstrate your abilities, and you may have gained a new client!

If you are still on the fence about whether you are able to get into the “photography for cash” marketplace, listen to this. It happened to somebody who was thinking about whether or not she could make money with her photography. She went to a small party, a celebration for a colleague’s promotion. The host of the party had arranged for her to take some photos.

Many of the party people had their own cameras, plus a few of them were even taking pictures in the beginning. But as the celebration got started, these people were having such a good time they forgot about taking pictures. And the majority of these photographs that they did get were simply not very good.

Following the party, the photographer received a small fee for her services. The plan was to print a few proofs for that host as well as print a specific quantity of pictures. But she also published the images she had taken to her website and emailed the link for the photographs to each of those that went to the party. She got quite a few inquiries for prints from those that attended the event , and all she had to do was permit those that wanted photos to download and print them. Easy!

It developed into quite a profitable outing for the photographer, and she did not even need to bother with printing or delivering the images.

It turned into a life-changing party for that young photographer.

But it’s not unique. Almost any person can do this! And it’s even a good excuse to get that new Canon Rebel lens you have been drooling over. Create a plan, build your self-confidence and photography abilities, and begin shooting!


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