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Wedding Photography Checklist – Must Have Pictures

Planning a wedding is stressful enough without having to worry about the photographer getting the right pictures. Here are a few things you can do to make sure your “must have” pictures are taken. Start off by making yourself a wedding photography checklist. As you probably already know, your best friend while planning your wedding is going to be a pen and paper.

Start off writing down all of the poses or moments you want to capture. On the top of your paper you should label it with “Must Have Photos” and keep this wedding photography checklist with you at all times. You will be amazed at the times ideas will pop into your head. Here are some suggestions to get your creative wedding photo juices flowing:

  • Fastening the gown
  • Heart felt moment with the father of the bride
  • The bride and grooms hands with the wedding bands
  • The bride’s bouquet
  • All of the bridesmaids bouquets
  • The flower girl looking up admiring the bride
  • The mother of the bride with the bride
  • The father of the bride with the bride
  • Putting the garter on
  • The bride putting her veil on
  • Close up of the bride looking in the mirror
  • The groom with his best man
  • The groom with his father getting a little advice
  • The groom and his mother embracing
  • Getting into the limo
  • Gazing out the window
  • Near a favorite tree
  • The bride on the stairs with her train trailing behind elegantly

Anything that you can think of that will make a great photo should be written down on your wedding photography checklist. When you are looking into hiring your photographer you should bring this checklist with you. He or she will get a feel for what you want as well as be able to give you some suggestions and ideas for the “Must Have” list.

Once you hire your wedding photographer, you should have him/her photocopy your checklist and initial your copy as well as their copy of the wedding photography checklist. This way you both are fully aware of all of the photos you want to make sure are taken. Make sure this included as part of your contract.

The majority of wedding photographers will be more than willing to work with you on every aspect of your photos. Their main goal is to make you happy. After all, your wedding day is the first day of the rest of your life. Shouldn’t every special moment you want be captured?


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