If you’ve been following the site you’ve probably seen a few of the Facebook videos I’ve created over the past week or so. To be honest I had a whole bunch more planned, but I might have come up with something even better for you. Let me explain… Last week I got an email from a business I follow and respect – they create awesome looking Facebook pages for businesses and they also have a cool piece of software that I purchased a license to a while back which lets you easily create your own custom Facebook pages at the push of a button. I was actually going to create a video this week showing the tool in action…but I might not need to anymore because these guys have just launched a full-blown Facebook training course which they’re giving away for free – and the outline looks pretty good so far. So I came up with a new plan. I’m going to recommend that you sign yourself up for their training – these guys really know what they’re talking about. They’ve got over 31,00...