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Awesome Facebook & SEO Training Resources

If you’ve been following the site you’ve probably seen a few of the Facebook videos I’ve created over the past week or so.

To be honest I had a whole bunch more planned, but I might have come up with something even better for you.

Let me explain…

Last week I got an email from a business I follow and respect – they create awesome looking Facebook pages for businesses and they also have a cool piece of software that I purchased a license to a while back which lets you easily create your own custom Facebook pages at the push of a button.

I was actually going to create a video this week showing the tool in action…but I might not need to anymore because these guys have just launched a full-blown Facebook training course which they’re giving away for free – and the outline looks pretty good so far.

So I came up with a new plan.

I’m going to recommend that you sign yourself up for their training  – these guys really know what they’re talking about.

They’ve got over 31,000 fans of their own Facebook page and have helped countless other businesses with their Facebook marketing.

They live and breathe Facebook marketing every day – if you can’t learn a trick or two from them then I’ll eat my metaphorical hat.

I’ll go through the training as well and then what I’ll do is fill in the gaps with any photography specific info that doesn’t really get covered in their training. And if there’s something they cover which you don’t really understand feel free to shoot me an email and I’ll try and explain in more detail.

Now the good news is that because I no longer have to put aside the time to create the Facebook training stuff, I’ve actually been hard at work over the past week on something which is probably even more valuable to your business.

I’ve created two free reports that give you pretty much all the info you need if you’re serious about moving your website on to the front page of Google.

The two reports cover both Google Places and regular SEO, and if you use the info in these reports, you’ll have a HUGE advantage over every other photographer in your area.

I’m also launching a ‘Done For You’ SEO service for the less patient photographers out there looking to dominate their local market without the learning curve, but if you’re serious about mastering this SEO stuff yourself, there’s no better place to start than these free reports.


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